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Grooming Tips to Help Deal With Dog Allergies

Jul 19, 2021

Don't Let Dog Allergies Stop You 

We love our pets, but sometime the pet dander does a job on our allergies, and this can make day-to-day living tough. Millions of people enjoy sharing their homes and their lives with pets, even those who are allergic to animals. 

Thankfully, there are many solutions that can be explored that would allow an allergy sufferer to keep their beloved pets while successfully managing their allergies. 

There are many underlying issues that might be causing most allergy attacks when pets reside in a household. The root of the problem though, may be solvable with some simple grooming techniques. By incorporating some daily habits into the dog grooming process, everyone can enjoy the family dog. Here are some grooming tips that can help lower dog allergies overall.

Power Shampooing to Get Rid of Dander
Getting your dog regularly washed can make a big difference when it comes to getting rid of dander that can collect on your pet's skin. While this can help with fur allergies, many times allergies come from dander and other external allergens that can build up on your pet. Be sure to work with your groomer and pick dog shampoos that are all natural. Steer away from scented products that might also be causing allergic reactions.

Brushing and Wipe-Downs for Pollen Pickup
Something that should be included every day when it comes to caring for your dog is a quick wipe-down before entering the house. If dogs have free rein coming in and out of the home, they might bring pollen and other allergens into the home inadvertently. Brushing and wipe-downs should be a part of life during months when allergies can act up. 

Lowering Saliva Allergies
Sometimes allergies aren't coming from dander or fur. Secretions from your dog's mouth, eyes, and ears can cause allergies as well. Dog groomers can offer a deep clean, but this can also be kept up at home simply by cleaning out eyes and ears on a regular basis. Brushing and washing can help as well if you have an over-grooming pet that might transfer excess saliva to their fur. While dog kisses and cuddles are nice, those who are allergic should avoid dogs from sleeping on their pillows and bedding.

Deep Clean When Pooch is at the Groomer
While your dog is getting their spa treatment, this is a great time to get ahead of existing allergens around the house. By working in conjunction with your dogs grooming appointments, it’s a great time to deep clean the house and have a clean slate. If you need a little extra time, have a family member keep your dog at a friend's home or with the groomer until the house is ready.

Be In The Zone
Also, create an "allergy free" zone in your home—preferably the allergic person's bedroom—and strictly prohibit the pet's access to it. Use a high-efficiency HEPA air cleaner and consider using impermeable covers for the mattress and pillows.

By combining periodic big cleans with grooming and keeping other external allergens off your dog can all lower possible allergy attacks. You should be able to eventually pinpoint what is really affecting allergies when it comes to your dog and join the large number of animal lovers who manage their allergies and live happily and healthily with their beloved pets.

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